From your project page, you can control the privacy and download settings for your script in one of two ways:
1. You can either click on the “...” button below your logline, and then on “Edit Permissions."
2. You can click on the button that says "Discoverable" or "Private" to the right of your project title.
Either option will bring up a pop-up where you can specify who, if anyone, is able to download your discoverable project.
Projects that are discoverable with download permissions set to "only me and members I specify below" will require you to give permission every time a writer or industry user requests to read your script.
Projects that are discoverable with download permissions set to "only me, Coverfly-approved industry members, and members I specify below" will allow industry users to download your script without having to ask for permission, while everyone else will need to be approved on a case-by-case basis.
Industry users are individually approved for membership by our team, and you'll still receive notification when an industry user downloads one of your scripts.
Projects that are discoverable with download permissions set to "any Coverfly member" will allow anyone with a Coverfly account to download your project. Again, you will still receive a notification when this happens.